Lyrics of Ruina Imperii by Sabaton

Budet kom på en kall vinternatt
Carolus finns ej mer (hemåt, fränder)
Över fjäll, genom bitande köld
De går med sänkta huvuden (återvänder)

Död väntar Armfeldt och män
Död, kungens män vänder hemåt igen

Fränder, bröder, vår stormaktstid är över
Vårt rike blöder, fanan står i brand
Aldrig, aldrig, aldrig återvända
Svea stormaktstid till ända

Ambition och strikt religion
Drev svensken uti krig (hårda tider)
För sitt land tog han vapen i hand
Ett liv för rikets väl (Karoliner)

Krig, givit allt vi förmår
Krig, dödens år satt sitt spår, vi består

Fränder, bröder, vår stormaktstid är över
Vårt rike blöder, fanan står i brand
Aldrig, aldrig, aldrig återvända
Svea stormaktstid till ända

Fränder, bröder (de togs för givet, bragda om livet)
Vår stormaktstid är över (vem lät det hända? stormaktstid till ända)
Vårt rike blöder (de togs för givet, bragda om livet)
Fanan står i brand (vem lät det hända? stormaktstid till ända)
Aldrig, aldrig (de togs för givet, bragda om livet, vem lät det hända?)
Aldrig återvända (stormaktstid till ända, de togs för givet, bragda om livet)
Svea (vem lät det hända?) Stormaktstid till ända!

Historical Background

In short: The death of King Charles XII of Sweden and the retreat of the Swedish Army over the Mountains in Norway.

Ruina Imperii – The Fall of the Swedish Empire

Some empires are built on ambition. Others fall by the weight of war.

Ruina Imperii by Sabaton tells the story of the end of the Swedish Empire (Stormaktstiden).

This is how Sweden’s dreams of dominion collapsed in fire, frost, and blood.

The Great Northern War – Sweden’s Last Gamble

“Ambition och strikt religion, drev svensken uti krig.”
(Ambition and strict religion drove the Swedes to war.)

For nearly a century, Sweden had been a dominant power in Northern Europe, ruling over vast lands in Finland, the Baltics, and parts of Poland and Germany.

But in 1700, a great alliance—Russia, Denmark, and Saxony-Poland—rose to challenge Swedish supremacy in the Great Northern War.

“Krig, givit allt vi förmår.”
(War, we have given all we could.)

At first, the Swedish king Charles XII (Karl XII) fought back with brilliant victories.

  • He defeated Denmark in just six weeks.
  • He crushed Russia at Narva, despite being outnumbered 4 to 1.
  • He marched deep into Eastern Europe, hoping to conquer Moscow.

But then, his luck ran out.

1709 – The Disaster at Poltava

“Död, kungens män vänder hemåt igen.”
(Death, the king’s men return home again.)

In 1709, Charles XII’s army faced Peter the Great’s Russian forces at the Battle of Poltava.

  • The Swedish army was exhausted and outnumbered.
  • Russian artillery and cavalry crushed the Swedes.
  • Thousands were killed or captured, and the Swedish king fled to the Ottoman Empire.

This was the turning point—Sweden would never recover.

1718 – The Death of the King

“Budet kom på en kall vinternatt, Carolus finns ej mer.”
(The news came on a cold winter’s night, Carolus is no more.)

In 1718, Charles XII launched one final invasion, attacking Norway to reclaim lost glory.

  • On November 30, 1718, while inspecting trenches at Fortress Fredriksten, he was shot in the head.
  • To this day, his death remains a mystery—was he killed by an enemy bullet, or assassinated by his own men?

With Karl XII dead, the Swedish Empire began to collapse.

1719–1721 – The End of an Empire

“Vår stormaktstid är över, vårt rike blöder, fanan står i brand.”
(Our era of power is over, our kingdom bleeds, the banner is in flames.)

By 1721, Sweden had lost almost all of its overseas territories.

  • Russia took Finland and the Baltics.
  • Prussia and Denmark took Swedish lands in Germany.
  • Sweden went from an empire to a secondary power.

“Svea stormaktstid till ända.”
(Sweden’s era as a great power is over.)

The Great Northern War ended Sweden’s dominance and marked the rise of Russia as the new superpower in the North.

Want to Learn More?

The Lesson?

Some empires rise through power and ambition. Others fall through overreach and arrogance.

And in 1721, Sweden lost its place as a great power, and Russia rose in its place.

About Niels

Niels believes every historical event has its own rhythm, every era its unique melody, and every story its untold song. He brings history to life, capturing the essence of pivotal moments, fascinating figures, and the cultural transformations that shaped our world. His work makes history not only informative but deeply emotional and memorable.

On this website, you’ll discover his latest songs, insights into his creative process, and curated playlists of his favorite historical tunes. Join Niels on this melodic adventure where every note tells a story, and every story inspires a song.

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