Lyrics of Poltava by Sabaton

Time has worn the soldiers down
Marched for many miles
In the eastern lands so cursed
Time to make a stand

Tsar has scorched his nation’s land
Nothing to be found
Hunger grasps the soldiers’ heart
20 000 strong

Listen, excuse for a king
Trust me, this fight you can’t win

Rode to certain death and pain
Swedish soldiers met their bane
Sacrificed their lives in vain

In the shade of morning mist
Advancing on their foe
Bullets break the silent air
Wasted battleplan

Swedish forces stand alone
King has left command
Rule is left to lesser men
Waiting for their chance

Listen, obey my command
Hear me, or die by my hand

Russian armies blocked their way
20 000 lost that day
They bled the ground
Peace they found
There’s no sign of victory
King Carolus had to flee
And leave the land
Leave command

Madness, curse your feeble horde
Fear me or you’ll die by my sword

Historical Background

In short: The song is about the decisive Battle at Poltava in 1709 during Great Northern War!

Poltava – The Battle That Broke an Empire

Some battles build nations. Others end them.

Poltava by Sabaton tells the story of one of the most decisive battles in European history—the Battle of Poltava (1709).

This was the moment when the mighty Swedish Empire collapsed, and Russia rose as the new dominant power in Eastern Europe.

1709 – The Great Northern War Reaches Its Climax

“Time has worn the soldiers down, marched for many miles.”

The Great Northern War (1700–1721) was a fight for supremacy in Northern and Eastern Europe.

For years, Sweden, under King Charles XII, had dominated the battlefield. But in 1708, Charles made a fatal mistake—he invaded Russia.

“Tsar has scorched his nation’s land, nothing to be found.”

Russia, under Tsar Peter the Great, used the same tactic that later defeated Napoleon and Hitler—the scorched earth strategy.

  • Russian forces retreated, burning fields and destroying supplies.
  • The Swedish army marched deeper into Russia, growing weaker from hunger, exhaustion, and disease.

By the time they reached Poltava in Ukraine, they were starving and outnumbered.

The Battle of Poltava – A Swedish Disaster

“Poltava, rode to certain death and pain.”

On June 27, 1709, the weakened Swedish army of 20,000 faced Peter the Great’s 40,000-strong Russian force near Poltava.

“In the shade of morning mist, advancing on their foe.”

  • The Swedes launched a surprise attack at dawn, hoping to break through Russian defenses.
  • Bullets and cannon fire filled the air—but the Russian lines held firm.
  • Charles XII had been wounded before the battle, leaving command to his less capable generals.

“Swedish forces stand alone, king has left command.”

As the battle raged, the Russians counterattacked, surrounding the Swedes.

“Listen, excuse for a king, trust me, this fight you can’t win.”

By midday, the Swedish army was in ruins.

  • Thousands lay dead.
  • The survivors were forced to surrender.
  • Charles XII barely escaped, fleeing to the Ottoman Empire.

The Fall of the Swedish Empire

“Russian armies blocked their way, 20,000 lost that day.”

The defeat at Poltava marked the beginning of the end for the Swedish Empire.

  • Sweden never recovered its former strength.
  • Russia took control of Eastern Europe, laying the foundation for its rise as a superpower.
  • Peter the Great transformed Russia into a modern empire.

“King Carolus had to flee and leave the land, leave command.”

Charles XII spent the next five years in exile. When he returned to Sweden, his empire was crumbling, and he was killed in battle in 1718.

Want to Learn More?

The Lesson?

Some kings conquer nations. Others lose everything in a single day.

And on June 27, 1709, Sweden learned that empires can fall just as fast as they rise.

About Niels

Niels believes every historical event has its own rhythm, every era its unique melody, and every story its untold song. He brings history to life, capturing the essence of pivotal moments, fascinating figures, and the cultural transformations that shaped our world. His work makes history not only informative but deeply emotional and memorable.

On this website, you’ll discover his latest songs, insights into his creative process, and curated playlists of his favorite historical tunes. Join Niels on this melodic adventure where every note tells a story, and every story inspires a song.

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